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Projects Module (1 day course)

This one-day course provides a comprehensive exploration of the Projects Module. Participants will gain proficiency in module navigation, setting up authorization models, and creating essential elements like risk registers, recharge codes, and project types. Practical skills will be developed in project and task creation, risk management, Gantt chart utilization, and task linking. The training concludes with hands-on experience in task assignment, updates, recharging, and project duplication for efficient project management.


  • Effective Project Setup: Learn to navigate and set up projects with authorization models, risk registers, and essential codes for streamlined project initiation.
  • Efficient Task Management: Acquire practical skills in creating, updating, and completing project tasks, fostering efficient project execution.
  • Enhanced Project Visualization: Gain the ability to visualize and communicate project plans using Gantt charts and export them to MS Projects, improving project planning and coordination.

Course Contents

Module Introduction: Understand the fundamental functions and purpose of the Projects Module.

  • Setup Proficiency: Acquire skills in setting up project authorization models, risk registers, recharge codes, and project types.
  • Contract Integration: Learn to create and update contracts for seamless use with the Projects Module.
  • Project Creation: Gain practical experience in creating projects and populating task groups.
  • Risk Management: Learn effective methods for managing the risk register.
  • Task Dependency and Gantt Chart: Understand how to link tasks with dependencies and visualize project plans using Gantt charts.
  • Export to MS Projects: Acquire the skill to export project plans to MS Projects format.
  • Task Assignment and Completion: Develop proficiency in assigning, updating, and completing project tasks, including flagging tasks for recharge, and learn the process of duplicating projects.


Basic familiarity with the system's interface is recommended for effective engagement throughout the course. Participants should have foundational knowledge of project management concepts to grasp the intricacies of project setup and task management. Prior understanding of contract creation and risk assessment will enhance the learning experience during the one-day course.